12 cute and touching photos of animals after being released from shelters


How much does a cat or dog need to be happy? A hearty dinner after a day full of animal life, a fleeting caress of the owner and a place for a comfortable sleep … and how many have it all?

It is more touching to see the reaction to all this from the side of the old street and the old shelters that have now become their home.

„When I realized that I didn’t need to return to the shelter, this happiness would have no end …“

Not even a day has passed since „the adoption“

“ Take me with you. I will always love you… „

It’s Amy. She is 20 years old and was removed from the shelter at some point

Comedian Bill Bailey with his adopted favorites

Well, is it possible to have fun like this without anyone?

Love can look like this…

He changed more than one shelter until he found the owner of his dreams

10 years ago, he, still very small, squeaked loudly at the entrance to the store, and thereby arrested a guy who wanted to rob this store. Now they are together – a cat and a failed robber. And both are free!

Nikko’s new owner has been preventing his pet from drinking for three months now.

It sometimes takes a week to become firmly attached to the owner…

Yes, the sight of a greyhound on the sofa, although unusual, but quite harmonious.

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