The Best friends animal society of Los Angeles has found a litt;e kitten on the street named McCheeks. Sweet kitty was named like that in honor of his cheeks. He is such a cute and sweet buddy that won over everybody’s heart.
When he was brough to the shelter and one of the members Diana saw him she immediately informed Samantha, who is just in love with cats.
She said that whenever she approached to his cage the kitten started scratching the bars. When he saw Samantha he jumped to her arms and denied to get down.
The cat’s face is more than cute, it’s so beautiful and sweet nobody can’t get enough of it. He is such a joyous kitten.
His heart was always filled with joy and happiness. And besides all that what’s more important is that he is so so nice.He can give you such a warm hugs that nobody ever could.
He was also an attention seeker. Out of every little situation McCheeks can make a huge drama just to get your attention and whatever he wants. He makes everybody to love him.