The homeless always dreams of finding a home no matter it’s a person or a pet. There are some dogs that struggle the most before they can find a forever home and a loving family.
There are even cases when wait at the shelters for their whole lives. Encounter the story of Stewart a 19 year old dog that spent the 14 years of his life out in the shelters.
He thought that he would never find a family and that he will remain homeless always. Even the shelter workers gave up on that idea and stopped looking home for her. But Emily the previous shelter owner thought otherwise.
And she decided to share his story on social media, she got an answer really quick from Natalie who was ready to adopt him and to provide him with a loving family for his last years.
However during the process she encountered a problem which is the shelter though that Steward stayed there for such a long time that it became his home.
About this she complained on her Tik Тоk page and all her followers supported her, because she came such a long way to meet Stewart. So in the end she finally could win over the odds and take Stewart with her.
Now Steward has everything he has dreamed of during his whole life. And what’s most important is that he has an owner who will give him love and care as much as he needs.
Steward will never be out of attention any more. Thanks to Natalie Stewart got a whole new life going on around.