Here are twin sisters who belong to different races… Well, do you think that it’s possible?


Albeit many individuals find it hard to accept, Maria and Lucy are twins. The issue is that young ladies come from a few racial gatherings.

They are regularly confused with pals.Due to a particular event — they are of various races — interesting twins from the UK acquired popularity.

The young ladies were brought into the world in 1997; their mom is half-Jamaican and their dad is European. The young ladies at first exhibited their bond and experienced it, including showing birth authentications.

„Since I’m white and Maria’s dark, nobody at any point believes we’re twins. In any event, when we are dressed much the same way, we actually don’t seem, by all accounts, to be twins, as per Lucy.

Donna Douglas, their mother, remembers how she at first found it hard to accept. She brought two very unmistakable gatherings of young ladies.

The sisters are absolutely different as far as both appearance and personality.Red-haired Lucy goes to Gloucester School to concentrate on workmanship and plan.

At Cheltenham School, Maria is a regulation and brain research, twofold major. Every kid in this superb family has an alternate complexion.

„Every one of our senior kin have coloring tones that fall among mine and Lucy’s. That is, they are arranged among us and us on the variety range, as indicated by Lucy.

Even however they are totally different, the young ladies are content with it. They are pleased with their qualification.

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