Meet this orangutan riding a golf cart


Here is the most unusual story. Meet the orangutan who is driving a golf cart.This footage was taken in Dubai, in a special place where wild animals are kept for exhibition.That place belongs to the prime minister of UAE.

Orangutan of the video is called Rambo.We haven’t been able to find much information about Rambo, like his age or how he got here.

Golf cart is considered to be one of the easiest things to ride.However, not everybody can drive around 1, just like they can’t ride a bicycle.

People use them to move around a neighborhood or gated community other than on golf courses. A golf cart driven by a zookeeper is a common sight at any Zoo, but you won’t often see an Orangutan doing the same.

One of the most calming videos available right now.In the footage, the orangutan also looks directly at the cameraman a lot.However, all he does is ignore the videographer, as though to say, „It’s my everyday life!“

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