When this lady stops to check on a police officer who has pulled off the road, he asks for a prayer


Kendra Powell did what she always did one morning in Georgia on her way to work.However, one morning, she noticed something that stood out to her.

She observed a trunk-opening state trooper vehicle on the side of the road, but no one was inside.

Powell felt compelled, for whatever reason, to check on that car.What transpires next will never be forgotten by anyone involved.

Even though police officers are supposed to protect and serve their communities, many people are afraid of them because of stories in the media over the years.Powell gave in to the urge and turned to examine the situation.

Powell is well aware of the conflict that exists in our nation between various groups of people.As a result, many people must exercise extra caution when interacting with law enforcement.

She rolled down her window and drove slowly to the scene.The state trooper then turned up.“Even with all that was going on in the news, I felt like I had to stop and make sure he was okay,” Powell wrote in a post.

I didn’t see him;I only saw his car.As a result, I turned around after passing slowly.My hands were free as I pulled up to the car and opened a window.I witnessed a white trooper exit the vehicle’s side.“

Soon, she would learn what he was doing.Powell wanted to make sure the trooper was fine and didn’t need any assistance after greeting him with a friendly „good morning.“

The Georgian woman was treated with kindness despite having heard other stories in the news.It turned out that there was also nothing wrong.He was just cleaning his car’s windows.

He said, „No, ma’am,“ and smiled admirably at her.Window cleaning is my business.When he showed me the bottle and towels, I informed him that he had the good stuff.He chuckled and inquired whether he could also clean mine.

It escalated into a commotion that also drew the attention of other motorists.The state trooper started cleaning Powell’s windows right there on the side of the road, to Powell’s surprise and delight.

She wrote in her post: „The best part of my day was when a state trooper cleaned my windows with good Rain X cleaner.It appeared as though everyone passing seemed shocked.

After that, a white elderly couple stopped by and inquired if theirs could be done as well.He also cleaned theirs, right?

Powell had already been feeling positive about the situation, but it quickly turned into something even more powerful.

The woman made an offer of payment, but he told her to pray for him instead and told her to do so.We did, too.

While parked on the side of 46 in the early hours of the morning, we all prayed and held hands so that everyone could see.

All of the hands—white hands, black hands, officer hands, young hands, and old hands—gave glory in a way that they had never done before.

Because it had moved her so much, Powell made the decision to tell other people about her morning detour.It quickly spread like wildfire once it went online.Over 319 thousand people shared Love What Matters‘ post quickly.

According to Statista, the United States had over 650 thousand full-time police officers at the time.Powell got to know one of the many kindhearted people who go above and beyond what is expected of them that day.

„I was late for work, lol, but it was really worth it,“ she said at the end of her post.Nothing could have been better to kick off my day.

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