Baby rhino and youthful zebra healed each other with their big love


Happy to introduce you Daisy and Modjadji and their marvolous story. Are you ready for the most amazing and cute friendship story between a little rhino and a youthful zebra.

They support each other to get cured. So so amazing!Daisy was all alone in Krugar National Park in South Africa and was so sick.

Poor kido got treatment in the clinic with all the medicine needed.

Modjadji was in the hospital as well.“We considered that Modjadji was just a week old.

And was admitted to the sanctuary’s ICU in the end of November when was gotten on the reserve heavily breathing and motionless after heavy rains and winds“ in interviw mentioned Louwhen Bowker.

These cute little ones began communicated with each other and became best friends immideately after they met.They love cuddling each other at night.

And as they grew stronger, their interest got the best of them and they started interacting with each other.

As we know rhinos are very friendly animals and they always need a good companion, and Modjadji is a great fellow for Daisy.

Bowker mentined that their hugs help Daisy to feel braver and securer. And Modjadji is a fellow that can be with her in any minute and this will help to avoid lots of personal touch with Daisy.

They are just amazing buddies.

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