Watch two former circus elephants reunite after more than 20 years departure


We, people always think that animals are different from us. And we do not see that we are pretty much alike. Here watch the two elephants reunition after two decades of departure.

This is one of the most emotional moments of their life. This two gentle sould haven’t seen each other for more than 22 years. Shirley and Jenny, after meeting each other started recognizing after a while.

When they finally remembered and greeted one another the moment was so touching and emotional. It made everyone teary. In the face of being through a lot during all these years they found strength to enjoy the given moment.

Both of them have been such hard and tough times. They were forced to perform in the zoo, and show some tricks to people who were paying to see the After some kind people did their best to rescue them.

And all their hardships came to an end. After finally being out of that sad circus life, Shirley and Jenny have been in sanctuary. Here the old but gold friends reunited.

And their emotional unition was too beautiful to describe with words. Their reaction was surprisisng even for the working staff. They started touching each other with their bars.

All the workers were saying that they have never experienced smth like that.

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