It’s always like this that one good deed of ours can mean a whole world to others.
Today we are going to introduce you the story of Arthur. He is a senior horse that was cruelly abandoned by his owner after working like a workhorse.
This poor pet was living in really very bad conditions. His former owner gave him to different dealers and so he passed into the hands of various dealers.
The one good thing was that he was not alone and met another abandoned horse, Max. They were able to get through this hard times together.
Real miracle happened with them years later. A woman who actualy was the owner of a horse sanctuary found them on internet and did everything possible in order to help them And finally their sufferings were over.
She bought them from dealers in Pennsylvania.
The horses were physically tired and terrified. Their whole life changed when they entered the sanctuary. After 2 years they were fully recovered.
These two beautiful and strong animals overcame all their hardships being together. They are always together, both in bad and good times.