An elderly crippled dog meets the sea and true love before dying


The dog spent the last days of his life with pleasure, knowing that there are good people on earth.

Having spent the best years of his life in an ungrateful family, the fate of a German shepherd named Hart seemed doomed to complete and more than necessary oblivion.

However, his story reminds us that hope is the biggest factor in losing, and this dog went through a rainbow full of love.

He was left in the old house so that his way of life could take shape.

Fortunately, the intentions of his former owners were no longer fulfilled, and the guys of the animal rights agency, based in Bitonto, Bari, Italy, decided to intervene.

One day he became paralyzed and crawled down the street in search of food. At night, he returned clean to the house where he was left. These years were very difficult for this boy.

By the time they rescued him, the volunteers were trying to get Hart to regain his mobility.

For some time they even used a wheelchair, but the swelling in the spine had already intensified.

Previously, they did not want to do anything to restore the health of the dog, but, of course, they wanted to keep it, and therefore they were determined to make these last days happier.

The woman wanted Hart to understand what love really means before he leaves this world.

In addition, she took it upon herself to give him a truly dignified and peaceful end.

Gianna allowed the puppy to see the sea and, lying on the mattress, feel the purest and most healing wind.

They went to the sea, it was once beautiful, the wind caressed the ear, the waves beat against the rocks, the sound of the sea in the winter silence.

It was very relaxing, he almost fell asleep, forgetting all the pain.

When Hart saw the sea, he lay motionless on his hind legs, but his keepers helped him smell the water.

The constant heartache at any moment of his abandonment is unimaginable. But these flesh-and-blood angels did everything to help him forget.

The dog spent the last days of his existence with joy, knowing that there are good people on earth. It is impossible to imagine what Hart felt at that moment, but Gianna confirmed that love can heal everything.

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