Let’s love and appreciate our parents the same way they loved and cared for us. We should always do it
everything possible to fill your day with joy, because they gave us life and made even the impossible for us. Of course, we owe them everything in our life, they are the brightest point of our life.
The man thought that his father was old and became a burden to him, and took him to a nursing home.
A little bit later, when the family was at the dinner table, the five-year-old son asked him:
– Dad, where did you take my grandfather?
“To a nursing home,” said the father.
– Will he feel good and comfortable there?
“Well, it will probably be good, because this is a place for old people,” my father replied indifferently.
– Well, then tell me the address so that I write at my place and do not forget.
– Do you want to visit him?
– No, I just want to know the address so that when you get old, I can take you there, because you say that old people’s place is in a nursing home.
The father was shocked by his son’s response.