This calf who thinks he’s a dog is now our hero


It’s a calf named Goliath and he thinks he’s a dog. He recently became a social media hero.

The newborn calf was left on the dairy farm because it was very thin.

Thus, its future owner brought the calf home and handed it over to the care of the family doctor.

The owners named him Goliath because he grew and flourished in warmth and love. Great Dane Leonidas also started courting him.

According to the owner, Leonid lay next to Goliath for hours to keep him company. As a result, the two became best friends.

Since the Hubbs family lives in an area where coyotes and mountain lions live, the calf was allowed to sleep in their hut.

There the goby spent time throughout the day.

But one day Goliath suddenly disappeared from there – it turned out that he entered their house and lay on the sofa all this time.

The owners took a picture of him like this and posted it on social networks. The photo soon went viral and appeared on many websites and blogs.

If it was interesting, please share this with your friends and family.

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