Two women on horseback in Jackson State Park in Mendocino County, California, have made a startling discovery.
Davina Liberty and Sarah Grimes saw in the distance a lame dog with a bump on its neck.
They tried to intervene, but the dog growled at anyone who tried to grab it and help. In the end, Liberty managed to save the badly injured dog, after which she called for help from veterinarians.
The dog named „Miracle Dog Thunder“ underwent veterinary treatment and surgery.
He was attacked by a wild animal and suffered several other injuries. He was in a lot of pain. What is most confusing is how the dog got there and what his story was.
This story went viral on the Internet and its owners were identified.
They handed over the dog to a humanitarian company, and the investigation is ongoing. Meanwhile, people are monitoring his recovery so that he can be given up for adoption.
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