This Julep story was pretty famous on social media. It is now in the care of the Humane Rescue Alliance, as its previous owner has passed away.
But the only thing that worries the staff is that he was the oldest dog in the shelter. They were afraid that no one would want to adopt him because of his age.
They thought that this dog should spend his last days alone and got entangled in this shelter.
But fortunately, in his life he met a man named Wayne Lerch. He found the dog on the Internet and the next day he decided to immediately take it from there.
He was afraid that they would not become friends. And when he went out with the dog, all the employees of the shelter were delighted. The dog and his new owner now seemed very happy!
He knows they probably won’t have much time to spend together, but Lerch used every second.
The dog at the last stage of his life wept with happiness and was surrounded by love.
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