Man heroically saves little kitten by jumping into storm sewer


This little poor homeless kitten was hiding on the hood of a car.

When the driver of the car opened the door, the kitten jumped out and immediately fell straight into the storm sewer.

The poor kitten was stuck and couldn’t move. Nobody heard him meow. It was very difficult for him to be there all alone.

Avi Kuzi – a man who saved many animals, suddenly he heard her meow, and without hesitation rushed to see where the sound was coming from. Despite the difficulties he faced, he decided to help the cute kitten in danger.

He eventually pulled the kitten out of the storm drain and rescued it.

He said that he loves animals endlessly and is always ready to give them a helping hand, because they need us.

This man definitely deserves respect! He took the kitten to the veterinary clinic, took care of it and is now ready to take it home.

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