Simon abandons the stage after having the 2nd song score the golden buzzer


Her girl had enlisted them for the show without her awareness. It’s one of Britain’s Got Talent’s most memorable audition process.

The judges were moved by the powerful story and exceptional talent of daughter and mother singing duo Honey, and Sammy, who was on scene to celebrate her 43rd birthday.

Nobody will quickly forget this audition.Simon Cowell began the pre-audition discussion by saying, „I’m always impressed when mothers and daughters work collaboratively.“ Whose idea was it?

„Mine,“ Honey responds. I logged without informing her. „Why do you think it was so important that you did this all with your mom?“ Simon continued.

„My mother was diagnosed in the last few years,“ the 14-year-old explained.Being here and with my mom is the best thing that has happened to me after a tough few years.

I had no idea that singing in the car with my mom would lead us to where we are now. The resilient adolescent manages to keep her tears at bay.

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