An old dog left by his family was found walking alone and crying in the street, begging someone to help


Meet Ray, an 8 years old dog who had been left by his family, was found strolling by himself in the streets of California, with crusty, sad eyes.Due to starvation, he had lost his fur coat and had a skeletally lean body.

It is a terrible sight to see a family left a pup.An ill or old dog may not be looked after for by family members.However, they are unaware of the extent of the dog’s suffering if it is left behind.

Ray was saved by the Carson Shelter’s staff.Ray was able to get some of his health back with the assistance of shelter volunteers, but he remained depressed.

He was quickly offered for adoption.Ray has been adopted at the period this is written!Ray has maintained the same attitude toward other humans.

He still gave enthusiastic and loving greetings to everybody.We hope that Ray will recover quickly and that he will continue to receive devotion and care.

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