Italian sailors caught a shark and rushed to release it, as its head was like from another body


The shark was brought to deck by the Italian sailors, who used the nets.The majority of the team members demanded that the animal be returned to the water within the following minute:

The shark’s head resembled that of a different animal.Near the small island of Elba, strange creatures were caught by fishermen.

The sailors were also surprised by the shark’s close proximity to the pier; typically, predators stay further from the coast.The creature looked like a huge shark from the outside.

The fishermen were forced to let go of their prey because its face resembled a pig’s head.Many had the impression that they were dealing with an odd mutant.

The sailors were able to take a few pictures, which they showed to the aquarium’s local staff.He quickly realized what was going on.It turned out that the fisherman caught a very rare fish, not a mutant.

The Oxynotus centrina is this.Mario Bertolucci, an aquarium employee, stated, „It is not clear how it got into shallow water because centrins spend their entire lives at a depth of 700-800 meters.“

The Red Book contains a list of ordinary centrins.It was fortunate for the fishermen to be able to return their prey to the ocean.

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