Elderly dog is so upset she is not even able to keep her head up after her family left her all alone


We are heroes to our puppies.They love us will everything that is in them and we couldn’t possibly step out of line in their eyes.That is a significant amount of responsibility, and it is essential that we do not abuse their trust.

Sadly, there are people out there who would never violate that trust.Similar to the cruel abandonment of Athena by her previous family when she needed them most.

Athena is a lovable puppy who lived most of her life in Nikolaevka, Bulgaria, with her family.She believed that her family loved her equally as much as she did.

However, she found out how little they cared about her life and love one fateful day.

Athena, a senior dog who had been a loyal family member for many years, was looking forward to spending her golden years in the same way she had enjoyed her youth:by taking care of her family.

Sadly, her family was of a different mind. Athena’s family decided not to move with them when they decided to move house.

They simply left her behind as if she were a piece of broken furniture or some other unwanted item because they thought she was too old.

Poor Athena was terrified and devastated.They had left her with a hefty chain around her neck, making her completely alone.

She was sitting by the side of the road, her head hanging down, staring at the cars that were driving by, and looking completely helpless.

Fortunately, expression of the vulnerable senior canine in the long run arrived at the ear of Laurica Nagel, a neighborhood canine salvage volunteer.

When Nagel rushed to save the plight of the dog, he found her slumped over the side of the road, her eyes filled with worry and sadness.Nagel discovered that Athena had survived on scraps given to her by kind truck drivers.


However, the elderly lady was weak, malnourished, covered in fleas and ticks, and she had lost sight in one eye.
Athena was taken in by Nagel to a rescue center, where she received the necessary treatment.

She was treated, washed, and given all the love and attention she had been lacking.

Despite the fact that her physical condition was improving, the staff at the shelter were concerned that they would not be able to provide her with a forever home.

Senior dogs struggle to find new homes because people are more interested in puppies than in older dogs.But Athena was fortunate.When they saw her on social media, a family knew she was meant to be a part of theirs.

They were so proud of her for being a fighter and enduring all of life’s challenges.They didn’t see her as old and useless like her previous family did when they looked at her.

No, they saw her exactly as she was:an affectionate senior dog with a big heart and strong spirit. Athena is happier than she has ever been now that she has lived with her family for several months.

Finally, she has a family that truly cares about her and will ensure that she has a happy and loving future.Many people have been moved by Athena’s story, and she has received a lot of love and support.

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