This lady who could stop time: what Miss Universe 1965 looks like today at the age of 74


Apasra Hongsakula, 74, is one of Thailand’s most well-known figures.

She won her first crown at the championship of the beauties of the university and later outperformed her rivals in the competition for the title of the first beauty of Thailand when she was 18 years old.

In 1965, she became the student representative of her country at the main beauty pageant.

She participated in the contest to win the title of Miss Universe following this victory.The participants then presented their countries, and the preparations for the prestigious competition were approached with the utmost seriousness.

The event received worldwide coverage from the media.The contestant’s mentorship from Thailand’s queen is not surprising.

Apasra always caught the attention of the judges and audience during the competition because she was shorter and did not speak English with much confidence.

She is only 1.64 meters tall.However, her sincere smile and refined manners immediately won her over to the public.

The girl got the coveted crown unexpectedly for herself and became one of her country’s most popular people right away.She was clever, beautiful, and even had the royal family’s support, making her an instant enviable bride.

The girl decided to marry the Queen’s cousin.Apasra held the honorary position of cultural ambassador in the Ministry of Tourism even before she got married.

The Thai beauty’s personal life didn’t work out.She married a royal relative and had a son, but the couple split up a few years later.

The second marriage was also brief and produced a son for the woman.Apasra Khongsakula’s ability to work and love of life were unaffected by family problems.

The woman is a member of the royal family and still has influence in society.She now runs a successful business, Raymond Weil Watches, as well as a cutting-edge spa in Bangkok.

Even though her sons have been raising her as a grandmother for a long time, few people will be surprised by the elderly woman’s chiseled, girlish figure, opulent hair, and radiant skin.

The former Miss Universe says that discipline and paying attention to your diet and schedule are the keys to youth and beauty.She gets a lot of sleep, eats well, works out every day, and gets cosmetic procedures done every day.

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