Nobody congratulated the mom on the birth of her baby girl


After giving birth, a mom was unable to comprehend what was going on when the room became completely silent and tense.

She was absolutely terrified that her comments would disrupt the peace.After trying for nine months, Eliza Jamkochian Bahneman, 36, and her husband Erik, 41, found out in 2018 that they were expecting a child.

Bahneman was overjoyed when she told her sister, sister-in-law, and a few of her friends that she was pregnant.They were all expecting around the same time and had children at the same time.

The mother eagerly awaited the miracle child’s arrival into this wonderful world. Of course, the little girl finally decided to leave her mother’s womb safely one month earlier than expected.

Isabella, who goes by the name „Bella“ from time to time, gave birth to a healthy baby girl in October 2018. She weighed 512 pounds when she was born.

However, what was supposed to be a joyful occasion gradually diminished. Bahneman noticed a murky silence as murmurs filled the room, which disturbed him.

As she thought back on the moment, she said, „Why isn’t anyone wishing me well?“Why is my spouse so afraid and uncertain?

After Bella was moved to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), numerous tests and evaluations revealed that the infant had the rare genetic condition Treacher Collins.This prevents proper growth of the face bones.

Isabella was brought into the world with various issues thus, including hearing misfortune and a confined aviation route.As a result, the challenging journey began, complete with emergency hospital visits and operations.

Bella was required to attend numerous therapy sessions.For her hearing impairments, this includes speech therapy, occupational therapy, and music lessons.

Isabella appeared to be continuing her rapid growth after two years.

However, this 2-year-old was experiencing negative social reactions as a result of her illness, and people were only judging her based on how she appeared.

The mother, on the other hand, stated, „All of us have unique characteristics, some of which are more obvious than others.

„The world would not be as vibrant if everyone were the same. The mother wants to keep teaching and bringing Treacher Collins‘ condition to people’s attention.

In general, Bahneman wants to inspire others to care about people who are ill.

After all, this is the only thing a person should do when they see someone who looks unusual.

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