The singer began singing the famous song “You raise me up”, but when 200 kids joined him it turned into a magic


An essay I wrote recently focused on a lovely rendition of one of my all-time favorite inspirational songs, „You Raise Me Up.“

Over the years, numerous artists and singers have performed covers of this song.The Norwegian-Irish duo Secret Garden was the source of the inspiration for this song.

The song was written and performed by them.After that, in 2002, they performed this song with Brian Kennedy, who had a minor hit in the UK at the time.

This song only became a big hit in the United States thanks to Josh Groban’s performance of it.Following that, the song gained considerable popularity and was frequently covered, inspiring millions of people worldwide.

One of the primary reasons this song is such a huge success is because of its sincere and timeless lyrics.

This song is so well-known that a Norwegian football team uses it as their anthem, several figure skaters use it, and it is often played on television.

Because it is so moving, anyone can relate to the people who fed, supported, and helped us through difficult times.We are appreciative of their assistance in our success, which we now take for granted.

This song was recently performed by YouTube star Peter Hollens.He sang the song by himself at the beginning.After that, a large number of talented singers joined the song.

The song is even more lovely and touching when they all raise their voices at once, despite Peter’s powerful and lovely voice on its own.

They were all voices of angels.They all sing a cappella for a rawer, more intense sound.

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