Girl who dressed up as queen with her corgi received letter from The Buckingham Palace


For Halloween there are bunch of costumes in magazines, but when you have two corgi dogs then the choice is going to be obvious.

Jalayne Sutherland is a 1 year old girl from Ohio, America. And the selection was the simplest.
The girl decided to dress up as Queen Elizabeth for Halloween, before picking up candies from door to door.

Her mom likes the costume so much that took a photo a sent it Buckingham palace and actually she got a reply.

And the mother announced that the biggest inspiration was that their pups were the best friends of her doughter. They wanted to do smth were they can include the corgs, and in fact they were a huge fan of royal family.

A lot of people coplimented her on their way. And even called her „majesty“ and bowed. They were really surprised when they got a feedback from the Queen.

And in the letter was written that Queen Elizabeth was delighted to see the pictures.

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