Honey B was a very curious cat that was blind. He now lives in Seattle and hails from the Caribbean.
After this man adopted him, his favorite hobbies were hiking and camping.
He likes to climb on people’s shoulders during long walks. Every time they go camping, they take it on their shoulders.
He loves to listen to the sound of water at the start of her outdoor adventures.
Blind or not, that never stops him from traveling with his owner and exploring the world around him.
He has poor eyesight, but he has a good sense of the smell of water and drops, which allows him to approach without falling into it.
Unfortunately, he died at night from a serious illness. He was only 7 and a half years old, but he lived a wonderful life for a blind cat.
Farewell, brave little baby. He always preferred to live better and always wanted to have fun, meet new people, visit new places…
Bee had a wonderful life full of adventure and love, and wherever he went, he was happy.
He created happiness and comfort around him!
Over the years, many people have cherished and followed his life, sometimes sending kind messages to console, inspire or give them hope.
He was very friendly and wanted to spread happiness.
Rest in peace baby, we will always remember you!
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