This alone truck driver adopts stray kitten and now he’s his perfect companion on the road


When someone loves his\her occupation unconditionally they give themselves to that job and enjoy being in it each and every second. So is Paul a very perfect truck driver.

He adores what he does so much that his been working on that sphere for years now. Sometimes it’s really hard to drive long roads in a total loneliness. Lucky for him he had a friend named Howie.

During all that years they have been together and were best road buddies. Unfortunately Howie died back in 2017. Everybody who had a cat knows for sure how hard it is to lose a companion like that.

Paul was very heartbroken when he lost his lovely cat buddy. This experience however didn’t stop him from the idea of adopting another feline. So he went to a shelter and looked for cat, where he met Percy.

The cat who had lots of flaws However none of them ever hindered Paul from adopting that kitty. He knew for sure that Percy was the one he wanted.

After Paul learned about Percy’s life some details. He found out that the cute feline was living on the streets before being rescued. He had a very rough life. No matter how hard was his life he was still loving towards people.

Finally they were together, Paul took him home. And Percy became his best companion through all times. They were always together and couldn’t be happier.

The kitty was happy to accompany him through all the times, all the places and no matter what was the weather. Percy is a very cuddly pie. He loves playing, eating and of course sneezing.

Also Paul made a habit of taking pictures of his furr friend. He shared them on social media and everybody just loved the pictures so much.

In February of 2017, Paul woka up to find out that Percy was gone, as the passenger window was down. He had the same experience before, especially when there was a bird outside.

But that time was very different. Paul called him, searched the area but there was no sign of Percy. And what made the situation even worse there was a storm coming that day.

As Paul had no options left he decided to took to social media and asked for help. Of course there were people offering to help, but Paul was not able to wait any longer. He knew exactly that every ticking of the clock was important for him.

It was hard for him to decide but he had a special document signed that he have to deliver his goods by a certain time. So he didn’t have ay choices left. Paul was torn between being a professional truck driver and cat’s dad.

After driving 400 miles, a miracle happened. Percy appeared from under his truck. Fully in oil, tired and very hungry. After having such a scary experience Paul promised to be more attentive and never lose sight of his cat.

Their fellowship is something really amazing and very special, so we hope that they will share their love with the rest of the world.

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