This tiny kitten was thrown into the water, but he lived, climbed on a rock, and cried for help


As usual, our heroine drove to work in the morning in her car.The girl drew attention to the car that turned toward the river because the road that day was empty.

She then observed that the driver had left the cabin, sat down, tossed a small box into the river, and then left.The heroine immediately recalled that in the village, kittens were drowned in this manner.

She immediately contacted the rescue organization. The girl joined them as they waited for the experts and began exploring the river and its banks.However, there were no signs of the children.

They heard a desperate meowing at the last minute, when there was no hope.

On the stone, there was a small wet kitten.The remaining children did not have the good fortune to escape.

The terrified crumb was removed, dried, and heated.After that, they brought him to the vet.

Thankfully, the baby was found to be perfectly healthy.Our heroine decided to bring the cat home after calling it a Peach.

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