Unique cream-colored bear baby was seen playing with black bear mommy


Arthur De Jong, a manager of environmental planning, took video and photos of two bears while he was in British Columbia, Canada, and they left him and other environmental scientists scratching their heads.

He took pictures that day of a mother black bear playing with what looked like her cub. The baby bear’s fur color was the odd thing.

The bear’s fur was cream-colored, not dark like his mother’s. Michael Allen, a bear expert on Blackcomb Mountain, where Arthur found the babies, had never seen a white bear cub like this one in the previous 23 years.

Michael stated, „I have seen cubs ranging from black, reddish-brown, chocolate-brown, and blonde (after summer coat bleaching) but never a cub with pelage this light to almost white“ in this population.

The bear cub’s distinctive coloring indicated one of two rare events. The bear cub was either an albino or a spirit bear.

Scientists couldn’t say for sure what the baby was because they couldn’t get a close-up look at its eyes.

Although either would be extremely uncommon, the sighting of a spirit bear would be especially significant for many Canadian Tribal Nations due to the spiritual significance that spirit animals hold for members of several Tribes.

The video of it playing with its mother was adorable, regardless of whether it was an albino or spirit bear cub. Examine it for yourself.

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