This brave pup gave his life to rescue his beloved family from the snake


A family from Kuching, Malaysia, has recently been able to confirm this with their own experience. A dog is not just known as a man’s best friend.Their dining room was broken into by a deadly snake.

A dog named Chico gave his life in the city of Kuching, which is on the island of Kalimantan in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. Chico was engaged in an unbalanced battle with a venomous snake.

The animal observed an unwelcome visitor in the family’s home.Chico courageously confronted the lethal reptile.He fought it until it was destroyed.

Chico unfortunately was bitten by the snake.He collapsed on the porch and left this world.

Chico’s owner emphasized, „Unfortunately, we couldn’t save him after he found a deadly venomous snake in our dining room.“

„Chico, you will always be in our hearts.We will meet again in a more favorable setting.“

Goodbye and rest in peace,“ wrote Alice Minggu, his owner.Chico’s actions demonstrated that he was a full member of the family.

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